The Legend of Emily’s Bridge
Just outside of Stowe, VT is a haunted covered bridge that spans the Gold Brook, called the Gold Brook Bridge but referred to locally as Emily’s Bridge.
This 50-foot bridge was built in 1844, and local legend states that one Emily waited at this bridge to meet and elope with her lover. The lover never showed up, so naturally she chose suicide as her Plan B, hanging herself from the rafters. Her vengeful spirit haunts the bridge, attacking random cars or pedestrians passing through at night.
There have been reports of ghostly sounds and scratches on cars and all the normal angry ghost stuff. Also, an awful lot of loud late-night parties and people racing their cars across the bridge and generally being typical young people attracted to places like this to get drunk and write their names on stuff and to be completely predictable.
Aside from young drunk townies, Emily’s Bridge has attracted tourists and ghost hunters, usually sober, for decades, and it’s one of the state’s most well-known haunt.