Nikon N80

I was a reluctant admirer of 90’s auto-focus cameras. I had steeped myself in the 60’s and 70’s tea of leather and chrome, manual-everything cameras. Super manual, even a simple “program” mode was a thing for wimps. Light meters were…

Seagull 4A

I had been shooting a Holga camera here and there, it was fun, but I wanted to explore the world of medium format photography in earnest, with an actual camera, not a plastic toy. So I professed my intentions on…

Yashicamat 124G

I love shooting medium format. At present, I have seven such cameras, two of them are Holgas, one is an SLR, one is a (working!) folder from the 1930s, and the other three are twin lens reflexes. Rolleiflex cameras are…

Olympus OM-1

First produced in 1972, the OM-1 is a fully-mechanical 35mm SLR designed by Olympus’ Yoshihisa Maitani (the “M” in “OM). Originally it was the M-1, made to rival the similarly-named Leica M-1. However, after Leica put up a stink about…

Yashica Electro 35 GSN

The Yashica Electro 35 was a very popular rangefinder camera produced between 1966 and 1977. The Electro 35 was one of the best selling consumer cameras of the 60’s and 70’s. Even Peter Parker used one when he worked for…

Mamiya M645

I had been shooting film in 35mm format for years, and had recently been exposed to (get it? Exposed? I slay me!) medium format by way of the Holga, then a twin-lens reflex. I enjoyed what medium format brought to…