An expat friend living in Tokyo sent me a link to a video some 12 years back. “You would love the scooters they ride over here” he tells me. At the time I had a 900cc cruiser from the early…
With the world all Covidy in the summer of 2020 I was furloughed from work for nearly 3 months, downtown Burlington was a ghost town with every business shuttered for the foreseeable future. So it was a good summer to…
When I was in my late teens I discovered photography through the lens of a Pentax Spotmatic, with the help of my friend Bob and his Pentax K1000. I was always hanging with Bob back then. He rode a skateboard,…
Like everyone else on the entire planet, normal life was on hold for me between late winter 2020 and, well I guess now. I received my second shot a few weeks ago and am now able able to unmask and…
I have a lot of photographer friends, almost all of them shoot in digital exclusively, yet they probably all have a film camera or two in storage somewhere. More a dozen times one of these friends will get in touch…
This is another one of those cameras billed as an ideal starter camera for photo novices. This was my third camera acquired after getting back into film photography, behind the Pentax Spotmatic and the Pentax K1000. I decided this was…
Just over the bridge from Addison, VT lie the remains of two 18th Century forts: Fort Saint-Frédéric built by the French in 1731 and Fort Crown Point built by the British in 1759. During colonial times and the American Revolutionary…
Posted today on is a scavenger hunt to celebrate the warmth and sun of a new post-snow season, along with optimistic new outlook for a relief from the Covid pandemic. So naturally, I love a project and decided to…